Carrie Radzevicius is a dual American and Australian living in Brisbane. Driven by the effects of global politics and policy outcomes on local communities, her practice focuses on experimenting with the use of line, natural materials and images of everyday life to challenge socio-ecological conventions and perspectives. Through her works and community engagement programs, Carrie aims to offer viewers and participants empowering experiences that spark compassion, empathy and understanding.
Carrie is currently developing a body of work modelled on ecological systems and circular economies. Assemblages composed of handmade papers or botanical ink paintings entwined with found textiles and objects are developed through several iterative cycles of foraging, making, deconstruction and reconstruction. Materials that cannot be reused re-enter the ecological cycle as compostable matter. These purposely ephemeral works become visual records of time, materials and place while blurring boundaries between painting and sculpture, print and textile, human and earth, art and waste.